In your writing you place a great emphasis on wholeness in unity. In some respects, I get the sense that is both a pragmatic and a wisdom move designed to help us overcome social division and conflicting cognitions. That said, what do you think of the notion of living within paradox? To use your analogy on game theory in this podcast, you might imagine paradoxes as oppositions that drive infinite games. In poetic terms, you could say that we live life the fullest when we recognize/confront death (a point from existential psychology, i.e. Yalom, May, Becker) or that love aspires to the eternal but is never fully appreciated unless felt in loss.
In your writing you place a great emphasis on wholeness in unity. In some respects, I get the sense that is both a pragmatic and a wisdom move designed to help us overcome social division and conflicting cognitions. That said, what do you think of the notion of living within paradox? To use your analogy on game theory in this podcast, you might imagine paradoxes as oppositions that drive infinite games. In poetic terms, you could say that we live life the fullest when we recognize/confront death (a point from existential psychology, i.e. Yalom, May, Becker) or that love aspires to the eternal but is never fully appreciated unless felt in loss.