I remain in divine awe and am forever grateful for Maryn Azoff, Pat Surdam, Nikki Lewitan and many others for inspiring this piece. You know who you are. Bless your life! Love and compassion to all sentient beings!
This is a celebration of the Divine Feminine!
One night last week as I sat in sacred ceremony with beautiful plant medicine, Madre Tierra humorously told me “Girl, you have been wondering where I’ve been all this time but where could I possibly go? I am the mitochondria in your cells, the amino acids in the keratin of your hair, the epidermis of your skin, the collagen fibers in your eyes, the elastin tissue of your heart. Where could I possibly go? I have never left you and I never will”
And I laughed as I remembered my Mother’s unconditional love after having forgotten for so long.
As fires broke out in the Los Angeles area last week, I flew to Costa Rica to commune with the Earth. After a week of chanting mantras, singing at the top of my lungs, trekking through Chirripó Mountain, and drinking plant medicine, I can no longer speak plainly.
For after years of knowing my Heavenly Father, I have finally remembered my Earth Mother and songs now fill my soul.
These songs express my joy, my quickening heartbeat, and the beautiful grounded feeling of walking barefoot on boulders in the Telire River.
Below are some musings. Feel free to sing them to yourself. Take them into your bosom and let them well up in you with joy, for I have the greatest news to share. If you have ever felt estranged, as I have, from the Earth that you walk upon, know that there is no need to ever again:
For she is you and you are her. She is the 60% water in your body sourced from her oceans. She is the calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc you carry in your body which come from her soil and rocks.
She is the air you breathe, the oxygen which sustains your energy and generates your cells.
She is the carbon, the very backbone of all life, derived from the plants and trees that absorb this carbon from the atmosphere and the soil. You take this for granted.
Every bite of food you take comes from Her; and with every breath you inhale molecules that have circulated for eons.
The very alphabet, the same one that I’m using to write to you now, derives from the Earth, originally a way we humans traced lines in the dirt to track animals, the changing seasons, the climate, the splendor of her beauty. Consider the following observation from David Abram, in Spell of the Sensuous, on the evolution of the Hebrew Semitic script which was carried by and mixed with Phoenician, Arabic, and Greek script, and which eventually became our alphabet:
The letter ayin, which also means “eye” in Hebrew, was drawn as a simple circle, the picture of an eye; it is this letter, made over into a vowel by the Greek scribes, that eventually became our letter O. The Hebrew letter qoph, which is also the Hebrew term for “monkey,” was drawn as a circle intersected by a long, dangling, tail. Our letter Q retains a sense of this simple picture.”
Look again at the letter “Q”. If you look close enough, your eyes will see a monkey. So cool!
All of life is a dancing relationship with the Earth. And your life is but another manifestation of that dance. All the beauty of the earth is not outside of you. It is you.
And in a world where fires are raging, wars are plenty, and scarcity reigns, this fact is wonderful news because all of these outside experiences are merely reflections of what is going on inside of us as a species. And just as the Earth knows how to regenerate and heal herself, so too do we because we are her children.
There are those who go to a rain forest and say “this is nature,” and then go to a city and say “this is not nature,” but that is wrong. It is all Nature. All of it. There is great hope in knowing this. It means we can change our habits the moment that we remember where we come from.
If we walked around with this deeper knowing that we and the land are one, we would live closer to its rhythms not because those rhythms are “better” but because they are ours. They are native to us — ALL of us. We would be less likely to fight over land because we would recognize that we are the land. And we would know what unconditional love is because we would be it.
Unconditional love is not an intellectual, cerebral concept. It is an embodied knowing that words on a page cannot begin to capture. And it is alive in every cell of your body whether you know it yet.
And through the dense darkness we are all encountering as we walk this earth — a darkness which is just concentrated light — that unconditional love is waking up. She is humming and brimming in you and in me. And she is coming and will not be stopped and will not cease in her toil or tarry until all come to recognize her in the depths of their own being.
I will leave you with this contemplation from Marion Woodman, a teacher of mine who I never met but whose work and life is a miracle. Woodman writes about Madre Tierra, the Black Madonna, Divine Feminine, all names for an archetype in the collective human consciousness who, after centuries of teachings centered on the Holy Father and Son, is finally awakening:
The Black Madonna is larger than life itself.
Nature impregnated by spirit,
She presides over fertility, sexuality, childbirth.
She accepts her body as chalice for spirit,
Presides over the sacredness of matter,
The meeting of sex and spirit.
Rejected by the patriarchy,
Her energy has smoldered for generations.
Now she erupts in us and in the world,
Demands conscious recognition,
Demands redemption of matter.
I’m launching SOMA, a new embodiment practice, this February! Learn how to breathe deeply from the diaphragm, track the rhythms of your body, and fall deeply in love with the life force pulsating through your veins. Sign up here and I’ll be in touch!
Thank you